
Why Do I Crave Sweets All the Time?

Love for cakes and chocolate does not always mean weak willpower. We crave sweets due to various processes that occur in the body. So, if you want to lose weight, but are having trouble giving up sweets, you might first need to undergo one or more examinations.

Dr. Marina


1. Measure your blood sugar

The pancreas produces insulin: a hormone that allows the body to get energy from glucose. In the absence of insulin, severe cellular starvation occurs with the appearance of acetone and other ketone bodies in the body, glucose is not expended from the blood, and type 1 diabetes occurs. Another condition occurs when there is enough insulin, but the tissues lose sensitivity to it. This is when insulin resistance is formed. Then, to overcome resistance, more and more insulin is produced, and the excess insulin constantly causes an irresistible urge to eat something — mostly carbohydrates. Carbohydrates stimulate the release of a new portion of insulin, which intensifies hunger. If you have this issue, see an endocrinologist.

2. Get a blood test for chromium and magnesium

This test is closely related to the previous point because it is chromium that increases the susceptibility of cells to insulin. Magnesium is a slightly different story. Its main source (besides supplements and vitamin complexes) is chocolate, so if you have a magnesium deficiency, chocolate can be beneficial.

3. Check your intestines

Sugar is the basis of the fungal infection's "diet." If, for example, the immune system is reduced (and the gut is an important part of the immune system), fungi "require" nutrition. Your doctor will prescribe a series of tests that will help to establish whether everything is okay with digestion and, if necessary, choose a treatment.

4. Rule out brain problems

Low blood pressure, osteochondrosis, and brain injuries such as a concussion might cause the brain to not get enough blood supply. This leads to the body getting a false signal of a lack of glucose. A neurologist can help after ordering an MRI for you.

5. Don't starve

On a diet with a very low-calorie intake, the body starts to require fast carbohydrates to function. It is best to compensate for the lack of calories with protein, which will cause the sweet craving to decrease significantly or disappear altogether.

6. Give up spicy or salty foods

Foods with a lot of spices reduce the sensitivity of taste buds, and to feel at least some taste, a person chooses the brightest ones, which include sugar. In this case, the optimal solution is to refrain from sweet, salty, and spicy things in general for 10 days (period of epithelium renewal). You will be surprised what new sensations you will discover!

21 January 2022

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• 3 y.

Great article. I so rarely see testing Magnesium come up when people give diabetes advice.