
The Laboratory Inside You: Ornament Invested In The High-tech Startup Spiden

The ambitious project started with an idea that soon the human body and modern medical technology will become one. It will be possible to continuously monitor the body's condition in real-time thanks to the introduction of a next-generation microchip in the blood. Once the realm of science fiction, this is now a near reality.


Editor-in-Chief Ornament Health AG

Spiden’s financing round came to a total of $18 million. Ornament Health AG leads the round, contributing almost half of the investment.

Snezhana Gurina, Executive Director of Ornament Health AG: "We have been studying issues related to human longevity for a long time, and we are constantly working in this direction. Innovative SPIDEN technology fits perfectly with the principles of preventive medicine, which are the basis of Ornament's ideology. We believe that by investing in revolutionary medical developments it is possible to increase people's life expectancy, as well as significantly improve its quality."

Unique development

Spiden’s biomaterial analysis technology differs from classic laboratory analysis methods in that it does not destroy the sample during processing. The accuracy of the data is not affected by reagents, preservatives, or any other manipulation. All measurements take place inside the body under ideal conditions.

  • Spectral methods allow qualitative and quantitative analysis simultaneously. Each chemical element has a strictly defined resonant frequency. As a result, atoms of the element can either emit or absorb light at their specific frequency. This technology allows us to cover a wide range of different wavelengths and study all spectral processes (absorption, Raman scattering, phosphorescence, fluorescence, etc.), which allows us to generate signals from the blood for a wide range of biomarkers.

-Data analysis and biomarker library: Modern artificial intelligence methods consulting a library of biomarkers allows for real-time quantification in the body.

  • Microtechnology (miniaturization): A unique approach to the design of the optomechanical unit, sensors, and microchip design that allows for implantation. The microchip can also be used to visualize research results across tests such as endoscopies.

Leo Grünstein, the co-founder and CEO of, states: "Our mission is to develop medical technologies that will improve the lives of millions of people by continuously monitoring health indicators and therefore supporting timely and personalized diagnostics."

Mission and Implementation

Spiden is now conducting preclinical trials of its technology. In the next few years, the use of the technology will expand to clinical settings primarily for the continuous monitoring of patients with severe diseases.

The founders of the project are confident that by the end of the decade, implantation technology will have matured to the point where continuous real-time monitoring of biomarkers can be performed on an outpatient basis. Some activities where health monitoring is necessary to include professional sports, mountain climbing, or working under extreme conditions.

Due to fluctuations in biomarker concentration, one-time test results may be unreliable and often require rechecking. The concentration of biomarkers depends on the time of day, diet, physical activity, psychological state, and more factors.

The continuous measurement of individual blood indicators over a long period of time will help find the most accurate picture of human health and initiate treatment in time.

29 April 2021

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satrudhan sah
• 4 y.

Satrudhan sah

satrudhan sah
• 4 y.

Satrudhan sah